7 thoughts on “Amy

  1. 按摩完后感觉身体舒展开来,很轻松,减缓了压力。下一次有机会一定再次光顾!

  2. 按摩师的按摩技术非常专业,让我感到身体得到了很好的放松。在这里度过的时间令我感到非常愉悦,我会向我的朋友们强烈推荐这家足浴店,期待下一次的光临。


  3. Thank you for your massage service. The massage technique is excellent. After the massage, I feel my body stretched out, which is very relaxed and relieves the pressure. Next time you have a chance, you must visit again!

  4. 手法熟练并且很专业,按摩过程认真仔细非常的有耐心,整个过程都非常的放松满意

  5. The masseur’s technique is very good, and my body feels much better after pressing it. I strongly recommend it to everyone!

  6. The massage technician has gentle words, good techniques, soft and powerful strength, very comfortable pressing, and the massage is completely relaxed.

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